Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Family Portraits

Okay so now that our Christmas cards have been delivered, I can post the link to our family portrait sneak peek. Laura worked her magic in spite of two pint-sized subjects who were not taking direction very well. And that's putting it mildly! Check them out at Studio Bloom Photography Blog. Thanks again, Laura!

Friday, December 11, 2009

November/December Catch-up...

Wow. November and December have literally gone by in a blur. Not that I'm making excuses for neglecting the blog, just sayin...

Thanksgiving was wonderful, made especially sweeter by a visit from Miss Nyla, Paulie and Yvette from New York. The kids are growing, learning and changing with each passing day. Penelope is picking up more words constantly. One of her favorites is "baby" which sounds more like "baybay." She loves to pick up any kind of doll or toy and hug it tight while she rocks it. She is sweet as honey. She's really into giving kisses, and even makes the "Muah" sound when she puckers up. She watches and mimics a lot of what big brother is doing, including sitting on the potty and turning her face away from us when we try to feed her. She much prefers feeding herself and is quite skilled with her utensils, thank-you-very-much!

Mr. Big Boy Underpants Noah is now only wearing diapers at night...!!! It's still a work in progress and he still fights me on it daily, but at this point I'm grateful for any small victory. I just have to breathe, and remember he's three... :) Noah loves Spongebob and pretty much all superheros... Wolverine, Hulk and Batman top the list. His favorite play activities now are either playing superheros, or pretending that we're running away from sharks. Boys will be boys!'

Noah's pronunciation of Penelope's name has really evolved. First it was "Ah-pee," and then it becamse "En-uh-pee" and now he has shortened it to "Enna" which I think is a cute little nickname. I wonder if it will stick?

We are really looking forward to Christmas as we do every year. This is the first year that Noah actually understands about the holiday. He loves pointing out Christmas trees and lights wherever we go. He sort of gets the whole Santa thing, and definitely understands about the gifts under the tree. Penelope is just happy to take ornaments off the tree every day. I find them EVERYWHERE.

Well that's November and December in a nutshell. I am not going to make any promises, but I will try to get another post in before year-end. Merry Christmas!

Miss Sassy Pants.
Pucker up, buttercup!
And one for you...Tandem bike riding.
The world's tiniest snowman on our Texas Blizzard day. He enjoyed the snow so much!
I found her just like this in the a.m. Houdini #2 in the making?
Striking a pose on Thanksgiving Day.
Can I get some help here? Anyone?
Fun with boxes.
His new friend, Lizard. This had to be the most chilled out lizard I ever met. It was perfectly content just hanging out on Noah's hand. He was crushed when it was time to let Lizard "go home to his mommy and daddy."
Better late than never! As promised, here are snaps of my oh-so-adorable sea creatures on Halloween. Penny the Octopus and Shark Noah.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Latest and Greatest

A couple of birthday parties...
Even superheroes need some play time.
He decided to take his nap in this spot...
Snack Time!!!
Penelope's first steps.
Just me, my Radio Flyer and the open road.
Happy birthday to Penelope!
Okay, so October has officially been a month of transformation and growth! The kids and I joined Aunt Gail, Uncle Bill and Aunt Donna for a lovely, relaxing vacation in Cape Hatteras during the last week of September. It was the best of times. We enjoyed it so much and I feel like I came home with different kids. I just love the milestones that have been reached by both of them. Goodness!
We celebrated Penelope's first birthday on September 24th. She took her first steps in Hatteras, but it was just over a week ago that she actually understood. One night, she just started walking around the room and was so excited that she didn't want to stop. It's so new that I am still a little surprised to see her walking into a room with that proud smile on her face. I am so excited for her. It is amazing to see the wonders of life through the eyes of my children.
Noah has lost all traces of shyness and is now in full preschooler mode. He is very social, never hesitating to speak to people everywhere we go. He loves making friends at the park. It's cool to see the change in him and I'm proud of him for having the confidence to be as friendly as he is.
This next thing, I'm SUPER excited about. It is something I have dreamed of, prayed for and lost pretty much all hope that it would ever happen. I even blogged about it prematurely (my version of the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner). But tonight, dear readers, NOAH USED THE POTTY!!!!!!! And I mean he really used it. Not just a few drops. And he was very excited. I know, I've already used the word "excited" like, a million times in this post. But seriously, it is all so exciting! There is no turning back this time. No relapsing. We are potty training! Oh, sorry. Potty learning. Must remember the PC term. :)
We went to Dewberry Farm yesterday and picked out pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. I wish I had photos to post but unfortunately we didn't realize our camera battery was dead until it was too late. I will, however, post one last photo of the pumpkins that we came home with. I can honestly say it's the best collection of pumpkins we've had so far. We are looking forward to Halloween this weekend, and I'll be sure to post pics of my munchkins in their costumes. I won't reveal what they are, but I promise it's going to be way cute. Stay tuned!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

LONG overdue update

Well, what can I say? The more that happens with the kids, the more I think that I need to blog about them so i don't forget, which makes me avoid blogging altogether because there's just so much time to cover! So I'm just going to write. Penelope is talking so much now, and for the most part we can determine what she is trying to say. Most frequently it's "what's this?" or "that!" and she has even tried to say "bath" and "splash" and tonight, even repeated "la, la, la" as I was reading a Boynton book to her. It sounds super cute in her high-pitched little squeal voice. She loves to walk while holding my hands, and is constantly grabbing my hands as if to say "We're going walking now!" Clever little thing, if she needs to take something with her, she just holds it in her mouth since her hands are occupied. It's quite funny! Also, she now can stand all by herself although she prefers not to. Yesterday, though, she did put on quite a performance at a group play date by standing unassisted for what seemed like about 30 seconds. Normally she just gets upset, screams at me and sits down but today she seemed quite pleased with herself. We are also in for a load of trouble as she seems to want to climb EVERYTHING. Toys, furniture, you name it, she's climbing it. She just recently made it onto Noah's bed which, for a while, was her Everest. It is definitely conquered now! I just can't believe how much love I have for this little girl. I am utterly, completely smitten.
Noah's latest thing is acting like a cat. Or a dog. Or a shark. At least once or twice a day, the only word in his vocabulary is "Meow." As if it weren't hard enough for me to interpret what he's trying to tell me! He is such a sweet and loving little boy. While hugging him yesterday, I caught his reflection in the mirror and almost cried for the expression on his face. It was one of complete and sheer joy, as if he could just live in my arms forever. I don't know what I did to deserve that kind of affection, but I am grateful. It's hard to imagine that there will come a day when my children won't want to be around me constantly, but I just hope that when that day comes, I'll be able to take it with a grain of salt. For now, I will just cherish these days while we (Mommy and Daddy) are the center of their worlds. What a blessed (and yes, sometimes overwhelming) place to be.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Play time!

Enjoying birthday gifts with Cousin Rene.
Our neighbor, Emma, came over last night while her parents took her older siblings to a movie. She is such a sweetheart!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Las Mañanitas

Today marks the three-year anniversary of Noah's arrival into our world.
In classic three-year-old fashion, he had a total meltdown when we sang the happy birthday song...
He managed to recover in time to enjoy his cake. Thank goodness!
Chocolate cake, and she's not even 1 yet! Lucky girl.
Happy birthday, darling boy! Thank you for making our lives infinitely sweeter.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mr. & Miss Personality

Recently, Andres and our neighbor, John, performed in an Elvis face-off during a block party. It made a strong impression on Noah, and he loves to re-enact the performance whenever there is music or a microphone. He had no idea I was watching.
He loves his new "cowboy" boots. According to Noah, any kind of hat is a cowboy hat and any kind of boots are cowboy boots.
Showing off her new skills. Up on her knees...
...and up on her feet!
A hug from big brother.